Once everything is ready and the server is set according to the System Requirements document, please follow the below steps to install GYTPOL Application server.
If you haven’t prepared the server yet, please follow the below document prior to this guide: https://gytpol.com/docs-sysreq
Download the server and client files sent to you by GYTPOL team and place it on the GYTPOL server you created.
Open Local Group Policy Editor on the server (gpedit.msc) > Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > User Rights Assignment
Make sure that the GYTPOL app user is part of Log on as a batch job and Log on as a service privileges. If not, please add GYTPOL app user to these privileges.
For customers that have the “Remote Employees” feature and cloud access, please check if the following URL is accessible and you get “passed” status:
Note: in case of failed status, please make sure the needed URL are allowed as requested in the prerequisites document and you are not using any proxy.
Open CMD > ping _gytpol and see the result. It should reply with GYTPOL servers FQDN. Make sure it is correct.
Please install the client on the server prior to the server installation.
Extract the GYTPOL client zip and run the MSI installation from an elevated CMD (as Administrator) - once finished, the progress window will be disappeared.
GYTPOL Server Installation:
Right Click on the server installation .exe file > Run as Administrator
Once you read the EULA and ready to proceed, check “I agree…” and click Install
For POCs and deployments up to 3000 endpoints (servers and computers) > select Typical and Continue
Once prompted for GYTPOL user credentials, please type <YOURDOMAIN\GYTPOLUSER> in Username and Password fields on the screen > Continue
Once finished, please click Close
In the next steps, we will verify that the installation was completed without any issues or errors.
Please open Task Scheduler and make sure you can see the gytpolServer tasks (GytpolServer, GytpolServerDaily, GytpolServerWeekly) and at least one of them is running.
Navigate to c:\gytpol\data\GPMCProxy\config\dcs.json and make sure that the Domain Controllers you see in the file are located on the Main Site of your Active Directory and are in the same domain as your GYTPOL server.
Note: We suggest to open the json files using Notepad++
In the example, we have only 2 Domain Controllers on the Main Site and they both shown in the json file.
Note: In case of any changes in the json file (for example, add or remove DCs), please keep the file in Comma Delimiter format, as shown in the example.
After any change, please open System Services and restart gytpol GPMCPROXY service, gytpol data repository service and gytpol Validator service.
Please open System Services and validate that all GYTPOL services are up and running and the GPMC PROXY is running with GYTPOL user credentials (for Group Policy Modeling).
Please open Default Apps on the server and set Google Chrome (version 88 and above are supported, but the latest version is preferred) of the new Edge as your default web browser.
Double click gytpol Validator link on your desktop to access the dashboard
Once opened, your will be prompted for the License.
Click on Generate ID and fill the form with your details:
When you click Generate, a key file will be downloaded.
Please email it to license@gytpol.com and once processed, the new key file will be sent to you. Save the file on the GYTPOL server.
Open the gytpol Validator UI from the link on the desktop and click Upload License. Navigate to the key file you received from GYTPOL license team and upload it to the server.
That’s it – You are ready to go! We can now move to the client installation and deployment.