computers | object array | |||
latestHostReportingDt | datetime | Latest date and time the computer reported to Gytpol | ||
latestScanDt | datetime | Gytpol client sensor scans computers for misconfigurations and sends the report to Gytpol backend. This is the date and time of the latest misconfiguration scan reported for this computer. | ||
computer | string | Computer name | ||
computerOu | string | Name of organizational unit define on this computer | ||
domainName | string | For windows computers, Windows domain name | ||
clientVer | string | Gytpol client sensor version currently installed on this computer | ||
ipAddress | string | Computer’s IP address | ||
os | string | Computer’s operating system | ||
isVdi | bool | Is this computer a VDI | ||
isServer | bool | Is this computer a server | ||
isDC | bool | Is this computer a domain controller | ||
miscon | object array | Array of misconfigurations reported for this computer | ||
topicCode | string | |||
user | string | Username logged into the computer when this misconfiguration had been found | ||
severity | string | Specifies minimal severity of returned misconfigurations. Supported values are: Low Medium High | ||
addInfo | string | Additional information describing this misconfiguration (this is json string) with \ before “ in order to prevent breaking the structure of the response json | ||
param | string | Parameter providing more details for the misconfiguration | ||
paramExtra | string | Parameter providing even more details for the misconfiguration | ||
isRemediable | bool | Is this misconfiguration remediable | ||
isMuted | bool | Is this misconfiguration muted by one of the mute rules | ||
mutedByRuleId | number | The Id of the mute rule that muted this misconfiguration | ||
hostReportingDt | datetime | Datetime when computer reported this misconfiguration to Gytpol backend | ||
scanTimeDt | datetime | Datetime when Gytpol client sensor installed on the computer found this misconfiguration |
computers | object array | Keep calling to get_miscon_computers_next until empty computers array is returned, e.g. computers[] | ||||
latestHostReportingDt | datetime | Latest date and time the computer reported to Gytpol | ||||
latestScanDt | datetime | Gytpol client sensor scans computers for misconfigurations and sends the report to Gytpol backend. This is the date and time of the latest misconfiguration scan reported for this computer. | ||||
computer | string | Computer name | ||||
computerOu | string | Name of organizational unit define on this computer | ||||
domainName | string | For windows computers, Windows domain name | ||||
clientVer | string | Gytpol client sensor version currently installed on this computer | ||||
ipAddress | string | Computer’s IP address | ||||
os | string | Computer’s operating system | ||||
isVdi | bool | Is this computer a VDI | ||||
isServer | bool | Is this computer a server | ||||
isDC | bool | Is this computer a domain controller | ||||
token | string | Encrypted string to use for following calls to the get_misconfigurations_next function |
Code Block |
$headers = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[[String],[String]]"
$headers.Add("x-api-key", "{x-api-key}")
$headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json")
# Ensure the computer group is created in the UI with at least one device
# Replace {GROUP} with the actual group name, i.e SERVERS
$groupName = "{GROUP}"
# Read computer names from CSV file without headers
$computers = Get-Content -Path "c:\path\to\computers.csv" | Select-Object -Skip 1
# Loop through each computer and add it to the group
foreach ($line in $computers) {
# Split the line by commas and take the first part as the computer name
$computerName = $line.Split(',')[0].Trim()
# Create the body for the API request
$body = @{
groupName = $groupName
computerName = $computerName
} | ConvertTo-Json
# Send the API request
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://{BASE-URL}/gytpolapi/v2.0/add_to_group" -Method 'POST' -Headers $headers -Body $body
$response | ConvertTo-Json
# Optional: Add a 2-second pause between each iteration. Remove the comment if needed.
# Start-Sleep -Seconds 2
} |
Note: Change BASE-URL to your base URL. Change x-api-key to your API key.